Archive for the toolchain Category

STM32F0 discovery + GCC + Eclipse + OpenOCD + Ubuntu – Part II

  As promissed in last post, I’ll show you how to setup eclipse to work with the our STM32F0 discovery board + open source toolchain. Continue reading STM32F0 discovery + GCC + Eclipse + OpenOCD + Ubuntu – Part II

STM32F0 discovery + GCC + Eclipse + OpenOCD + Ubuntu – Part I

Hello there!

In this post I’ll show how to set up your IDE to debug the STM32F0 discovery board using open source tools. Continue reading STM32F0 discovery + GCC + Eclipse + OpenOCD + Ubuntu – Part I

Compiling uClinux with kernel linux-2.6.21

Hello everybody!

Today I’ll show you what I did to compile the kernel.. First of all I’m assuming that you
have already installed build-essentials and mtd-tools packages.
Now let’s begin the hard work! =D Continue reading Compiling uClinux with kernel linux-2.6.21

Toolchain for ARM

Hi people,
I’m following some instructions from Embedded Artists to build my own toolchain, compile and upgrade board’s u-boot.  Continue reading Toolchain for ARM