Hello there!
Here a simple “how to” to install packages on Octave.
First of all, why install packages? Because when installing only Octave, we’ll only have a part of all functions available. We’ll find lots of specific functions in these packages, for example, if you need to resize an image, you should install the package image.
Ok, how do we do that? Actually, it’s quite simple. Go to the Octave packages site: http://octave.sourceforge.net/packages.php
In our example of image package, download it (in our case we save in /home/user/octave directory). The file name is image-2.0.0.tar.gz.
cd /home/user/octave pkg install image-2.0.0.tar.gz
Now, to be able to use this new package you must load it with the command
pkg load image
And you are ready to go!
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